Tuesday 27 December 2011

The Dangers of Radio Waves

!: The Dangers of Radio Waves

Since the advent of cellphones in the 1990s, communication has become a lot easier and portable. In fact it has become impossible to imagine a world without them. Business transactions have increased exponentially in decision-making now takes place in a much quicker pace. In Africa, cellular technology has become the primary means of communication as telephone companies no longer have to spend billions of dollars building up telecommunication infrastructure.

Radio frequencies and magnetic fields have been controversial topics since the 1960s and 70s, and with the introduction of cellular phones, the controversy has exacerbated. As in every debate, there are two schools of thought surrounding the impact of radio waves and the danger they pose. On the one side, there are those who believe that radio frequencies have little effect on consumers and the environment at large. On the other side, there are those who believe that we are in serious danger from radio waves and the telecommunication companies that dupe us into believing that we are safe.

Radio frequencies or radio waves, as they are more commonly known, are emitted by wireless and other electronic devices. They are not a new occurrence in the modern world. In fact, apart from natural occurrences, radio waves have been around since radio and television. Basically anything that has an antenna or a transmitter emits radio waves. The rate at which the body absorbs radio waves is measured as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).

Controversy surrounding cell phone radiation is focused on whether radio frequencies emitted from cellphones are safe for humans and the environment, or whether we are all put at risk by the continuing omission of these waves as well as electromagnetic fields. When radio frequencies are high enough, they can break down the tissue in the human body and can interfere with the DNA. However, it is claimed that emissions from cellphones are so small that they pose no danger. This has been the mantra of the FCC for many years. There has been much confusion and concern recently as the same organization now claims that further research is needed to determine the effects of radio frequencies, as well as whether they are dangerous to humans.

Complaints have surfaced in the United States and other countries like South Africa where base stations are located in urban areas and even built in gardens where agreement is reached between cellphone networks and home owners. People living in close proximity to base stations have complained of headaches and other health problems. Home owner associations and health researchers have claimed that living too close to base stations or heavy use of cellphones may instigate brain tumors and cancers.

With no official conclusions drawn on the dangers of cellphones, and with more people complaining about the effects, one has to ask the following questions; how dangerous is radio frequencies and what are the risks to human health and the environment? Can constant exposure to radio waves cause free radicals to occur and if so, is there any way to protect ourselves? Are we slowly killing ourselves with the pollution of modern technology? Makes you think, doesn't it?

The Dangers of Radio Waves

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Monday 12 December 2011

Royal Berkey Water Filter System With 2 Black Berkey Filters

!: discounted Royal Berkey Water Filter System With 2 Black Berkey Filters Decide Now

Brand : Royal Berkey
Rate :
Price : $283.00
Post Date : Dec 13, 2011 01:34:42
Usually ships in 24 hours

The versatile Royal Berkey system is the ideal system for use at home with large families, travel, outdoor activities or during unexpected emergencies.This powerful system purifies both treated water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be substandard at best. Perfect for outdoor activities and a must in hostile environments where electricity, water pressure or treated water may not be available.The Royal Berkey system removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites entirely and extracts harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, VOCs, organic solvents, radon 222 and trihalomethanes. It also reduces nitrates, nitrites and unhealthy minerals such as lead and mercury. This system is so powerful it can remove red food coloring from water without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs. Virtually no other system can duplicate this performance.Constructed of highly polished 304 stainless steel, the system comes complete with two purification elements and utilizes the latest technological advances. This system has a storage capacity of about 3.25 gallons (12.3 liters) and when in use it stands 23" in height with a diameter of 9.5". The upper chamber nests within the lower chamber for transport and stands only 15.25" in height.Configured with two Black Berkey purification elements the system will purify up to 4 Gallons (15.1 liters) per hour. This system can be expanded to use four purification elements and is capable of purifying up to 8 Gallons (30.3 liters) per hour.

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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Are You At Risk Of Developing Lung Cancer?

!: Are You At Risk Of Developing Lung Cancer?

It is estimated that a non-smoker's lifetime risk of lung cancer is 1 in 100 while a smoker's risk is 1 in 12. Among which group of people do you belong? Are you worried that your risk of developing lung cancer is high?

Lung cancer like any other forms of cancer is a much-dreaded disease. Because it doesn't have visible symptoms during the early stage, it is often diagnosed during the later stage of the disease when the cancer has already spread to other organs and when treatment becomes difficult and survival rate is low.

People who are likely to develop lung cancer are those who have one or more of the following risk factors.

1. Women are more prone to develop lung cancer than men are. One study shows that a gene associate with abnormal cell growth was found to be more active in women than in men whether these women smoked or not. Some research also shows that smoking women are more susceptible to the cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarettes than their male counterparts.

2. Smoking is one of the greatest risk factor of lung cancer. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. A person's risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of years he or she has smoked. The longer the person has been smoking, the higher is his or her risk of developing lung cancer.

3. Sad news for people who have not even puffed a single cigarette but are continually exposed to cigarette smoke; your risk of developing lung cancer rises as much as 30 percent especially if you are exposed daily to second-hand smoking.

4. Exposure to radon, an odorless gas found in water and the ground, increases a person's risk of developing lung cancer. Radon is considered to be the second most common cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking.

5. Our workplace can sometimes increase our risk of developing lung cancer. People who are exposed to carcinogens like arsenic, asbestos, chloromethyl ether and chromium compounds in their workplaces have higher risk of developing lung cancer. It is estimated that about 9,000 men and 900 women develop lung cancer annually due to workplace exposure of known carcinogenic compounds. The risk becomes even greater for people who smoke.

6. Women who undergo estrogen replacement may be at higher risk of developing lung cancer. According to researchers from the University of Pittsburg, the growth of non-small-cell lung cancer may be fueled by estrogen.

It is important that lung cancer be detected early. The symptomless early stages often mislead lung cancer patients into believing that there is nothing wrong with his or her health. Often it is already late and cancer has already spread to other areas before diagnosis is being made. Those who are well informed about the possibility and the level of their risk of developing lung cancer will be able to seek for medical check-up and professional opinion early before the disease can even spread.

Are You At Risk Of Developing Lung Cancer?

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Friday 25 November 2011

Problems with Using Nuclear Energy

!: Problems with Using Nuclear Energy

In principle, nuclear energy, whose share of covering the world's energy needs presently amounts to around 5%, is one of the best methods how we can presently produce energy. Even so, this form of energy has many great risks for mankind and the environment.

The wasteful consequences of nuclear energy is not only in its military use, as was proven following the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But, as was shown in the nuclear power plant accident in Chernobyl in 1986, the peaceful use of nuclear energy also carries with it its unexpected risks. Not only did thousands of people die immediately following the reactor's failure but also due to the cancer illnesses clearly resulting from this accident. Besides this, there is a clear rise in the number of miscarriages and birth defects in the area surrounding Chernobyl. At that time, a radioactive cloud engulfed all of Europe. Although the consequences of this accident were not directly visible in all parts of Europe, increased amounts of radiation were observed in many locations.

To avoid such an accident from taking place in the future, some countries have decided to stop producing nuclear energy outright. Furthermore, many residents living near border regions neighbouring countries still operating or building nuclear power plants are protesting against it.

It can be generally stated that, even in light of many safety and preventive measures, the use of nuclear energy has many risks hidden within it in that dangerous situations can occur at all locations along its fuel circuit. The risks involved do not only relate to, as it is often erroneously believed, the actual fusion process, the storage of uranium or its recycling and transport but also on the mining of uranium and the creation of radioactive dumpsites. The biproducts of nuclear fission, such as radioactive radon gas created from waste containing remains of radium, leads to greater occurrences of lung cancers, evident with miners or residents living near radioactive waste dumps.

Problems with Using Nuclear Energy

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Saturday 12 November 2011

Radon: The Silent Killer Lurking in Your Home

!: Radon: The Silent Killer Lurking in Your Home

Carbon monoxide is widely recognized as the "Silent Killer" and for good reason. However, there is another silent danger that, up until recently, has managed to fly under the radar. While mostly everyone these days has a carbon monoxide detector mounted right next to their smoke detector, fewer people are aware of the cancer-causing radioactive gas called radon that is actually the second-leading cause of lung cancer in America behind smoking. In fact, almost 20,000 lung cancer deaths are caused every year by radon, according to the U.S. Environmental Agency.

So what is this mystery gas and where does it come from? Well, radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is both colorless and odorless. Much like carbon monoxide, it is impossible to smell or taste and can only be detected by testing for it. It is produced from the natural breakdown of uranium and can be found naturally in igneous rock and soil and even well water. The main point of human exposure to radon is through inhalation, although ingestion is also possible if radon has infiltrated the water supply.

Because radon is produced in rock and soil, the most common entry points into your home are places that are below ground. A basement or crawl space underneath the house are typical entry points for radon and may contain higher-than-normal levels of the gas. Also, walls made of brick or rock are especially susceptible to higher radon levels, as are slab joints and sump pumps.

The U.S. EPA has estimated that approximately 8 million homes in America have higher-than-acceptable levels of radon, and that as many as one in five homes have elevated levels. The EPA has placed the recommended level of radon at 4 pCi/L. It is estimated that a family being exposed to 4 pCi/L of radon in their home is being exposed to levels of radiation that are 35 times higher than normal. Scientists place the risk of death from exposure to radon at this level to be 1 in 100, about 1,000 higher than any other carcinogen.

If this is the first time you are hearing of radon, we'll admit that this information can sound pretty scary. Fortunately, it can take many years of constant exposure to witness any ill effects on your health caused by radon gas. This means that you should have plenty of time to have your home tested for radon and take the necessary steps to remedy it if your home is at higher-than-normal levels.

Congress highly recommends that everyone has their home tested for radon, and if you feel that you or your family is at risk due to the high exposure to the deadly radioactive gas, there are ways to greatly reduce the levels of radon in your home for relatively cheap.

Click here to read more at the Movers.com blog!

Radon: The Silent Killer Lurking in Your Home

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Monday 7 November 2011

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Thursday 27 October 2011

Radon From Granite Causes Cancer

!: Radon From Granite Causes Cancer

The allusion that seems to be made, that natural stone installed in your home is dangerous to your health is raised repeatedly on the website and in a recent local Houston TV news program.

It's interesting to note that the two major contributors of this non-profit organization are manufacturers of engineered stone. One of those contributing manufacturers has a marketing executive on the board of directors of this particular organization.

From what may be perceived on the surface as perhaps another "going green" ad campaign, seems to be a different slant on the ongoing battle of the engineered stone manufacturers against natural stone.

Keep in mind that granite as does most natural components found in building material, allows vapors to pass through them that might contain trace amounts of radon. There are very small amounts of uranium found in trace minerals such as biotite in some natural stones. When quarried if a large cluster of biotite is exposed the result initially would be a radon reading. However, once a piece of granite or natural stone exposed to a large amount of uranium rich mineral in the ground is removed from the source and exposed to the air, the radon vapor transmission would weaken drastically and then dissipate. Simply put, think of natural stone as a very dense sponge that allows water, air and yes radon to pass through the stone. Once the stone is removed from the source of radon (the earth) the stone has no radon to filter through it.

We do endorse Radon testing but to allude that natural stone is a main contributor seems ludicrous.

Here are some facts about Radon:


"Radon comes from the natural radioactive decay of radium and uranium found in the soil beneath the house. The amount of radon in the soil depends on complex soil chemistry, which varies from one house to the next. Radon levels in the soil range from a few hundred to several thousands of pCi/L. The amount of radon that escapes from the soil to enter the house depends on the weather, soil porosity, soil moisture, and the suction within the house".


"Houses act like large chimneys. As the air in the house warms, it rises to leak out the attic openings and around the upper floor windows. This creates a small suction at the lowest level of the house, pulling the radon out of the soil and into the house. (Just as natural stone filters radon emission as mentioned before.) You can test this on a cold day by opening a top floor window an inch. You will notice warm air from the house rushing out that opening; yet, if you open a basement window an inch, you will feel the cold outside air rushing in. This suction is what pulls the radon out of the soil and into the house. You might think caulking the cracks and the openings in the basement floor will stop the radon from entering the house. However, scientific studies show, it only takes enough unsealed cracks or pin holes in the caulking to equal a hole 1/2" in diameter to let all the radon in. It is unlikely that caulking the accessible cracks and joints will permanently seal the openings radon needs to enter the house. The radon levels will still likely remain unchanged.

Fortunately, there are other extremely effective means of keeping radon out of your home. Throughout the country, several million people have already tested for radon. Some houses tested as high as 2,000-3,000 pCi/L; yet, there hasn't been one house that could not mitigate to an acceptable level. The difference in reference to natural stone is that one the stone slab is removed from the source and exposed to the atmosphere the radon is vented in the same way ventilation of a house mitigates the radon emissions in the soil.

Levels of radiation from granite products, which technically are measurable, are in fact, small fractional values of established thresholds for environmental safety. The truth of the matter is that granite is a safe product. It's been used for thousands of years and the relationship between granite and radon has been studied for years and years. How safe is granite? There have been mathematical models developed that show that one could live in an all-granite home or building, including sleeping on granite, for an entire year and still be within very safe levels of exposure.

Calculations show that, if an average countertop, traps an average uranium concentration of four ppm (parts per million), the concentration of radon that is given off by the countertop into the household air would be 270,000 times less than the level of radon in the outside air. The maximum contact level that you would receive over one year if you were to sit on a countertop all of the time would be about one quarter of the annual radiation from all sources. If you were just a few inches away from the granite (such as when doing the dishes), the dose would be too low to measure.

To Quote Donald Langmuir, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Geochemistry, Colorado School of Mines, & President, Hydrochem Systems Corp.

"To show how laughable are the concerns of radon emitted from natural stone, the typical granite countertop in our example will release 7.4 x 10 -7 pCi/L of air. This corresponds to 2.7 x 10 -8 atom decays per second (dps). This represents 0.85 decays per year. In other words, less than one atom of radon is produced by the countertop in one year. This is hardly worth getting excited about. I would suggest that a good way to reduce our exposure to the radon present in outdoor air would be to build an air-tight house out of granite countertops! There are certain properties of rocks that can increase their radon emanation efficiency, or in other words increase the release of radon from a given weight of rock. These are rock properties that maximize the exposure of internal or external rock surfaces to water or air, allowing any radon gas to escape. The author of 'Granite and Radon' argues that such properties, which include rock porosity, fissuring and mylonitization, will increase radon releases. This is probably true, however, a granite with such properties would be too brittle to make into a countertop, and too open to take a polish, and so would not be marketable as a countertop - unless the rock pores were first filled with a chemical sealant. Such sealing would also eliminate any possible radon release problems."

In a more recent study that was conducted by L. L. Chyi, a Ph.D. and professor of Geochemistry and Environmental Geology at The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. Dr. Chyi studied 13 of the most popular granites used throughout the United States as determined by an industry-wide survey. Due to their popularity these 13 granites, are believed to represent up to 85% of the granite countertop market in recent years. The granite types are as follows:

1. New Venetian Gold, Brazil; medium grained, yellow-beige gneiss with many dark red garnets

2. Uba Tuba, Brazil; A medium- to coarse grained, olive-green granite

3. Santa Cecilia, Brazil; A coarse-grained, yellow-grey gneiss with up to pie-sized, red garnets

4. Tropic Brown, Saudi Arabia; medium-grained, brown granite

5. Absolute Black, India; black basalt

6. Tan Brown, India; A black-brown igneous rock with big, shapeless, brown-red feldspar crystals

7. Giallo Ornamental, Brazil; coarse-grained, brown-yellow granulite with some brown-red garnets

8. Crema Bordeaux, Brazil; Juparana Crema Bordeaux (Brunello). A coarse- to very coarse-grained, pink to red granite with areas of quartz, alkali feldspar and quite a lot of ore

9. Baltic Brown, Finland; brown-black granite

10. Giallo Veneziano, Brazil; medium- to coarse-grained, ochre-yellow to golden-brown, also light pink, gneiss

11. Dakota Mahogany, USA; medium- to coarse-grained, brown-red granite

12. China Black, China, a fine-grained plutonic rock

13. Yellow Star, China, a medium-grained yellow to pink granite

The testing methodology was designed to measure the amount of radon which each granite type would add to the interior of a 2,000 square foot, normally ventilated home with 8 ft ceilings. The results show that Crema Bordeaux (the most active in terms of radon emissions) would contribute a concentration component of less than 0.28 pCi/L, or less than 7% of the EPA's recommended actionable level of 4.0 pCi/L. This radon amount is well below a level which might cause health concerns. Tropic Brown and Baltic Brown, second and third in radon emanation based upon Dr. Chyi's testing, amounted to only 1% of this action level. The other granites tested added almost immeasurable amounts of radon to the house. Radon atoms in pore spaces and fractures are of minimal concern in the case of granite countertops

Dr. Chyi's test results show that the granites that are currently found in the United States' market place are insignificant contributors to radon levels in the home. "Based on the testing results and EPA standards, we can conclude that the most popular granites used as countertop surfaces pose no health threat to homeowners. If proper resealing is applied once a year or at other frequencies determined by the industry, the radon emanation can be further reduced".

Daniel J. Steck, Ph.D. also ran a test on interior radon and granite, and this is what he had to say.

"The average radionuclide contents of your building material samples are similar to other average granite samples and other common earth-derived building materials such as brick and soil. Thus, the amount of gamma radiation emitted from similar masses of these building materials will be approximately the same;

There is little sample-to-sample variation in the radon family radionuclide concentrations; the radon flux is somewhat larger for the counter-top squares than for the smaller samples. This indicates that the effective diffusion length is only on the order of the thickness of the counter-top samples, i.e. several centimeters. Thus, material thicker than 5 cm (2") most likely will not emit more than the counter-top samples.

While we feel that health safety is a great concern especially in our homes, for an industry to attempt to gain financially by "scare tactics" or under the auspices of "Eco friendly" is reprehensible. We urge the consumer to not be taken in by these alarmist tactics.

Radon From Granite Causes Cancer

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Sunday 16 October 2011

RadonAway RP145 Radon Mitigation Fan

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Usually ships in 1-2 business days

One of the most popular fans from RadonAway. The RP145 radon fan provides high air flow and is one of the most eneregy-efficient radon mitigation fans in the industry. The RP145 is a superior replacement for the Fantech HP190 and HP2190 and AMG - Festa Maverick radon fans. Comes with a 5 year manufacturer's limited warranty.

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Tuesday 5 April 2011

First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit

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Brand : First Alert
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Price : $12.34
Post Date : Apr 05, 2011 16:41:17
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Short term test takes only 2 to 3 days in home. Charcoal test kit traps particle traces. Price includes lab analysis by an EPA listed lab and follow up recommendations. Safe and easy to use.

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Sunday 3 April 2011

Do You Want to Know More About Radon Tests?

!: Do You Want to Know More About Radon Tests?

Do you want more information about Radon Tests on your home?

Radon is one of those words genuinely only will mean just one thing:

RADON: A very heavy radioactive gaseous compound formed from the decay of radium.

Radon is an unwanted naturally developing radioactive gas which is found in various areas across the nation. The issue with radon is the fact that it may be present inside of the house you happen to be purchasing, but the only course of action to discover it is to test for it.

Radon, typically more widespread in mountainous locations so where you may be buying a home will have a lot to do with your decision on whether to test for it or not during your real estate transaction. Everyone should investigate the area that they are purchasing a home for the health concerns of radon. The EPA declares that according to their estimates; radon is considered the Number 1 cause for lung cancer in Non-smokers.

Properties with basements that have been constructed partially underground and slab built dwellings are more likely to already have radon than the usual residence with a crawl space. If you are buying a home with a crawl space you may still want to test to be certain the radon levels inside your home are below 4 pCi/l.

There are specific short testing techniques of which home inspectors utilize; the stand alone electric powered continuing Monitors enjoy one particular advantage to any home buyer in the middle of any Real Estate transaction; you will receive the test results within 48 hrs of the start of the test.

The majority of the alternative test methods for example the charcoal canisters, as well as liquid scintillation test kits have to be shipped to the testing center plus wait for the results which may differ from 24 hours to up to a full week. The definition regarding elevated radon inside of a property according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a radon test with results of 4.0 pCi/l or even higher.

You should talk with your home inspector about several things regarding radon.
• You will want to know if it is common to get elevated radon results in the area you are buying your new home.
• Another thing you will want to know, can they test the home will you need to call on another home inspection company to evaluate it.
• Talk to your home inspector about the possible health concerns of radon.

If you decide to get your residence tested and discover elevated Radon levels, this is something that can be readily remedied simply by installing a new radon mitigation system; these systems can be placed in just about any kind of structure at reasonable prices.

Do You Want to Know More About Radon Tests?

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Saturday 2 April 2011

Long Term Radon Gas Test Kit

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Brand : | Rate : | Price : $39.99
Post Date : Apr 03, 2011 04:28:16 | Usually ships in 4-5 business days

Description :

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that you test your home at least once per year.

Radon gas can be found in varying amounts in every state in the U.S. killing up to 30,000 people each year.

Although short-term radon gas detectors such as the PRO-LAB(R) Model (RA100) are excellent for initial screening (real estate transactions) to determine if potentially harmful levels of radon exist in your home, radon levels can vary dramatically over a short period of time.

If your initial test results from the short-term detectors warrant a long-term follow-up test, an extended test with the PRO-LAB(R) Professional Long-Term Radon Gas Detector Model (RL116) is recommended for more conclusive results.

More Specification..!!

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Saturday 26 March 2011

Radon: The Invisible Threat/What It Is Where It Is How to Keep Your House Safe/With Radon Test Kit

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Post Date : Mar 26, 2011 14:48:16
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Friday 18 March 2011

Home Inspections and Tests - Know the Facts

!: Home Inspections and Tests - Know the Facts

[if ]

The benefits of performing a home inspection before purchasing a new home are well known and documented, but you may not have considered the advantages a home inspection report can provide even if your home is not for sale. In fact, there are a number of inspections and tests available for Austin homeowners that can help you anticipate problems and even protect your family's safety. Besides a thorough home inspection, experts recommend testing your home for mold, radon, asbestos, lead paint, and pest infestation to ensure your home is safe and in optimal condition. Customers of Austin Energy can also schedule a free home energy analysis from local companies partnered with the utility.

General home inspection

Home inspection reports provide valuable information about the condition of your home. That information can be vital to you as a homeowner, no matter how long you've owned your house. Scheduling a professional home inspection will give you a clear assessment of the various systems in your home, including an estimated time frame for replacement and a general idea of what kinds of repairs may be necessary. You will be able to plan for repairs and replacements of older systems in advance, allowing a measure of financial control and preventing unexpected breakdowns.


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has identified toxic mold as a health risk, especially for people suffering from allergies or asthma. Mold can grow almost anywhere in your home and can be difficult to spot, since it prefers damp, dark areas. A mold inspection can determine whether toxic mold is presenting a health risk for you and your family, and offer options for remedying the problem.


HUD recommends that homeowners test their property for dangerous levels of radon. Radon, a colorless and odorless gas, is radioactive and can cause lung cancer in high dosages. Professional radon testers can measure the level of radon in your home and, if high levels of radon exist, assist you in repairing the problem before it causes serious health problems. Home testing kits are also available, and some do-it-yourself kits for radon remediation can produce satisfactory results if used properly.


Mostly found in older homes, asbestos insulation can also cause cancer. While this problem is sometimes found during a general home inspection, asbestos remediation companies have expertise in identifying and removing asbestos insulation safely and without further risk to you and your family. Because of the toxic nature of asbestos and the difficulty in removing it completely, this is not a project you should try to undertake on your own.

Lead Paint

Homes built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint; this can cause lead poisoning and cause serious medical problems, including brain damage and birth defects. It's estimated that 1.7 million children may be affected by some degree of lead poisoning. Lead-based paint inspections are comparatively inexpensive; if your home was built before 1978, it's worth your while to schedule this inspection and ensure your home's safety.

Termite and Pest Inspection

In order to preserve the structural integrity of your home, termite inspections are an important part of your yearly maintenance schedule. If caught early, termites and other pests can be stopped before they do serious damage. General home inspections do not always cover insect damage, so a separate inspection is a good idea. If no infestation is found, most companies can recommend a preventive program to keep your home free from these pests and the damage they can do.

Austin Energy Analysis

Austin Energy has partnered with local companies to provide free walk-through energy audits for its customers. Especially geared toward promoting energy efficiency, these audits will check on the condition of your heating and cooling system, insulation, duct work, and the general condition of door and window frames. The company will then make suggestions about how you can improve your home's energy efficiency. This free service is part of Austin Energy's green initiative, and can save you hundreds of dollars each year in energy costs.

Knowing the condition of your home will allow you to plan improvements and repairs in advance. Additionally, some types of home inspections can save you money, preserve your home's condition and even protect your family's health: all good reasons to have your home thoroughly tested and inspected as soon as possible. These small investments can reap enormous rewards in health, safety, and comfort for you and your family. 

Home Inspections and Tests - Know the Facts

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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Free Radon Test Kit

!: Free Radon Test Kit

[if ]

We all love the comfort of low-ground living areas. Some of us convert our basements into movie theatres or recreational rooms. However, many keep falling victim to radon poisoning. It's possible to have fun in your basement without being worried of this radioactive gas, all you need to do is take a decisive step of asking your local authorities for a free radon test kit. This kit will help you learn of the radon levels in your house.

As much as the kit is free, it's designed under close Monitoring by the Governments health department and you shouldn't doubt or underestimate it's features. In fact, they're a part of the national program of preventing lung cancer that may be triggered by radon. Nevertheless, not all the times the free radon test kit will be offered fully for no fees, sometimes you may purchase the kit while the mailing and laboratory analysis will be free of charge.

The obvious places to test is the basement. This is because radon normally enters our houses in two main ways i.e through the soil, mostly through cracks on the floors and walls in the low ground areas and basements and the second way is through the water that we use. Which ever the Case, we should use the free radon test kit around the areas that have direct contact with the ground.

Experts recommend that we carry out the test every season and all year round. Nevertheless, the possibility of radon is quite higher in winter than in summer. Basically what happens is that unlike in summer, during winter we keep our doors closed and thus the possibility of accumulation is much higher. The only solution to prevent this gas is sealing the cracks etc.

Free Radon Test Kit

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Sunday 13 March 2011

STATE OFFERS FREE KITS TO TEST FOR RADON POISONING.(Local News): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM)

!: New STATE OFFERS FREE KITS TO TEST FOR RADON POISONING.(Local News): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) Immediately

Brand : | Rate : | Price : $9.95
Post Date : Mar 14, 2011 01:48:03 | Available for download now

This digital document is an article from The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM), published by The Santa Fe New Mexican on January 27, 2010. The length of the article is 469 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Author: Unavailable
Publication:The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) (Newspaper)
Date: January 27, 2010
Publisher: The Santa Fe New Mexican
Page: A-7

Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning

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STATE OFFERS FREE KITS TO TEST FOR RADON POISONING.(Local News): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM)

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Friday 11 March 2011

Silestone vs. Granite Countertops - The Real Story

!: Silestone vs. Granite Countertops - The Real Story

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So you want to upgrade your kitchen or bathroom with a new countertop, but you're not sure what your options are. Chances are you've heard of granite and marble. After all, they have been used for myriad construction purposes for centuries and you always see marble and granite countertops in luxury homes.

But what about Silestone...isn't it better than granite?

Well, it depends on what you think is better. However, Silestone and other makers of engineered quartz stone countertops, such as Zodiaq and Cambria would have you believe their product is a significant upgrade from granite.

Engineered stone countertops are a man-made product that mixes quartz found in granite with a resin to make a surface with properties almost identical to granite. Silestone and all the other companies make essentially the same product, which is widely regarded as an excellent countertop surface.

However, these companies try to make mountains out of molehills in an effort to sell their product and compete against granite which is and has bee the most popular and proven surface type.

Myth #1: Sealing granite is a horrible, dirty chore.

This issue has been blown way out of proportion with marketing. It's always listed as a benefit and one would get the impression that granite is defective and must be sealed with over and over to protect it.

True, you don't have to apply a granite sealer to an engineered stone counter top. And hey, that's great, but applying a granite sealer is really a very simple and infrequent "wipe on, wipe off" procedure. It is not a major chore and for all practical purposes it isn't a determining factor when comparing Silestone vs. granite.

Also, it doesn't take a closet full of special chemicals to protect your granite and keep its luster as Cambria and other engineered stone counter top manufacturers suggest on their websites. Hey, to their credit they are just trying to effectively market their product.

A little secret about most granite . . .

You could do nothing but wipe it with a sponge for years and it would still look gorgeous. Minor, easy maintenance performed periodically will, however, give you peace of mind and bring out the best in your granite and natural stone. And the same can be said about quartz. Care and cleaning is equally easy for either surface.

Myth #2: Again with the sealing.

You may also read that you must seal granite to maintain it's shiny polish. Not true. Sealing is for stain resistance. Both natural and synthetic stone counter tops are polished by grinding and buffing the surface into a smooth shine.

Myth #3: Granite harbors bacteria.

Silestone also tries to claim their product resists bacteria while granite "harbors" bacteria. This is totally false. Studies prove that both granite and quartz are among the safest and cleanest surfaces on the market today, but one isn't superior to the other.

So Which Countertop Is Best?

Well, once you remove the hype and you understand that man-made quartz countertops and granite perform equally well and that the care and cleaning of each surface is essentially the same, the decision between granite and Silestone, Cambria, Zodiaq or other quartz counter tops usually comes down to color, pattern and perceived value for most buyers.

Color and Value

Granite enjoys a greater "prestige" due to it's natural uniqueness and is therefore, of greater value in the minds of most homeowners and buyers. New granites come on the market all the time from different countries providing hundreds and possibly thousands of different colors and patterns to choose from.

Silestone and other engineered stone manufacturers offer 20-50 color choices all of which have basically the same repetitive pebbled appearance. The benefit here is that you never have a problem matching a pattern or color at a seam, which sometimes is a problem with granite. Of course, you may end up with the exact same countertop as your neighbor, which won't happen with granite as each slab is unique.

So, whether you choose engineered stone or granite you will get an excellent countertop surface. Just don't listen to all the marketing hype and pick your product based on what color and pattern you like best.

Silestone vs. Granite Countertops - The Real Story

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Monday 7 March 2011

Random House Book Publishing

!: Random House Book Publishing

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Publishing business has been one of oldest business in the planet and has been existent since a number of decades. Some of the publishing houses are existent since decades. One among such old publishing house is the Random house book publishing which has been around since 80-90 years. It was established in the year 1927 by Bennett Cerf and Donald Klofer in New York, USA. Since then they have been one of the best publishing houses in the USA and has been publishing the works of number of authors. This publishing house has not restricted it self to USA but has also published its books in countries like England, Canada, Australia etc.

Since a number of years it has published some good books which have become best sellers in their respective countries. It has not restricted itself to novels but has also published books which are read by children. Academic books which cater to the needs of students are also published by random house book publishing. Though it has a very strong hold its hometown at is USA, it has also given some best sellers in England. An avid reader will be very familiar to the name of Random House book publishing. Random house book publishing has a number of imprints like Bantam Publishing Group, Random house Audio Publishing Group, Random house ventures etc.

Each of these imprints perform a different function i.e. one imprint may focus on speculative fiction books and the other may focus on other forms of book and so on. This kind of working helps to publish books in a more organized manner. Competition has grown over the years in the publishing business due to existence of number of players in this field. In spite of this competition Random House book publishing has proven itself to be as one of the leading publishing house not only in the USA but also in other countries. Along with publishing books of well-known authors the publishing house also gives chance to new-authors. Thus, it provides a good blend for the readers. As the publishing business has developed, the Random House publishing has also adopted modern methods for publishing in order to keep in pace with the developing world. Some the best sellers that the Random House book publishing has given are as follows:-

1) Nigella Express - Nigella Lawson

2) Hannibal Rising - Thomas Harris

3) Who Moved My Cheese - Spencer Johnson

4) Against The Day - Thomas Pynchon

5) Eternal - Craig Russell

6) The Player - Boris Becker and so on.

The striking factor about the Random House book publishing is the number of imprints it has in the countries where it has established its business. This factor distinguishes it from the other existing publishing houses. All this years the Random House book publishers have continued to maintain their hold in the market and this has been made possible only by the continuous developments that company has been making. The company promises to continue its growth in the coming years in spite of the competition in the publishing business.

Random House Book Publishing

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Monday 28 February 2011

Home Sick (Not the Good Kind!) - Household Toxins and How to Treat Them

!: Nice Home Sick (Not the Good Kind!) - Household Toxins and How to Treat Them

Are you finding yourself getting the sniffles when it's not allergy season, or feeling as if you're getting the flu when there's nothing going around? Believe it or not, your own home might be making you sick. Whether it's the chemicals in your furniture, hidden mold growing underneath your sink, or something even worse, you may not be as safe and healthy in your own home as you think.

Ironically, in a noble bid to make our planet healthier, we may be making our own homes unhealthier. Being efficient with our energy means having well-insulated homes. This is great for our heating and our air conditioning but not so great when we may have toxic air inside that can't get out.

It's important to know what some of the most common household toxins are and how you can get rid of them.


Next to smoking, radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer. This colorless, odorless gas seeps from the soil and can make it's way undetected into any home in the country. Getting high levels of radon in your home is a very rare but very serious possibility. To protect yourself, buy a radon test kit from a hardware store (they can run from to bucks) and place it in your home for two days. If levels are high, you'll have to hire a radon removal expert to come in and install a venting system.


Arsenic is a poison that has been linked to cancer and has a wide range of harmful side effects. Up until 2005, this chemical was used as a preservative for wood. Any home with a wooden deck, porch or fence built before 2005 may be at risk. The chemical can seep into the soil and kill nearby plants. It can also come off on your hands when touched, making it especially dangerous for children who like to put their hands in their mouths. If you're worried about the possibility of arsenic poisoning, the solution is pretty simple - treat the wood with an oil-based stain every year so that when it's touched, only the stain is touched and not the arsenic.


We've all heard of lead poisoning, which can effect the central nervous system and the kidneys. In the '70s, many homes were painted with lead-based paint. If this paint is ingested or inhaled (such as when it gets ground down to a fine powder on your windowsills) it can impair physical and mental development. Call your state housing department for a recommendation for private labs that do testing for lead. If the test comes back positive, make sure that you cover all your walls with a coat of encapsulant to prevent further contamination. You might also want to consider replacing those windows and baseboards if they've been around since the '70s.


This chemical has been known to cause allergy-like symptoms, as well as nausea and dizziness. Liver and central nervous system damage is possible through increased exposure. If you've recently added new floors, carpets or furniture to your home, you might be at risk to formaldehyde. The adhesive used to lay carpet and to hold together wood furniture and floors usually contains formaldehyde which then gets released into the air. The good thing is, formaldehyde dissipates into the air, so if you've had your new carpet for a few months, it should have all circulated away by now. If not, the solution is simply ventilation. Leave your windows open for a little while after you get that new furniture to allow it to properly dissipate. You can also ask the carpet company to let the carpeting air out in the factory for a few weeks before delivering it. If you really want to splurge, you can find improvements and furniture made using VOC (volatile organic compounds) free building materials, though these are generally more expensive than normal.


Though not quite as serious a risk as some of these other toxins, mold can exacerbate allergies and asthma and make your home a less comfortable place to live. Where there's water (and especially water damage) there's the possibility of mold. If you have a small amount, you can clean it yourself simply with water and detergent, but if you find a large amount of mold it might be best to contact a professional to prevent the mold spores from spreading around the house. This can get pricey, depending on how bad it is. Your homeowner's insurance may cover this, but be careful before you ask them. Insurance companies have recently started excluding mold coverage and admitting water damage to them may get you slapped with higher premiums and deductibles.

It is most likely that your home is perfectly safe, but if you find yourself feeling ill often while you're in your own house, you might want to consider checking for some of these toxins. Sometimes a little caution and prevention can save you a lot of grief down the road.

Home Sick (Not the Good Kind!) - Household Toxins and How to Treat Them

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Thursday 24 February 2011

Radon Gas Poisoning

!: Nice Radon Gas Poisoning

When it comes to radon, the most unfortunate thing is that it's odorless and colorless making it very difficult to detect. What makes it even worse is the fact that our normal human senses cannot sense this gas. Radon gas poisoning is very lethal and causes severe lung tissue decay, and hence triggering cancer. Symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, heavy breathing, pneumonia and bronchitis may also be observed.

Radon enters our house through basements and low living areas. Actually we might live for quite long with this gas without even noticing and come to see the symptoms of radon gas poisoning only when the condition is serious. For instance, when the cancer is in the middle or final stages. However, children and smokers are likely to be more prone.

Radon gas poisoning is quite easy to prevent and counter. In fact, all it requires is a combination of short-term and long-term measures that ensures the gas is low in levels. Cracks and openings in the basement floor, walls and the ventilation system should also be checked and fixed where need be. It's also advisable to have an expert analyze the situation to see what decisive action that should be taken. Also remember that all the pipes with joints, plumbing and fittings are well sealed where need be.

Basically when you're buying a house, you should take your time to ensure that radon tests or any other tests that are important are done and actually by competent and qualified persons. However, the most important thing to note is that the gas accumulation may vary day to day, season to season and thus long-term radon test will be the best way to go when testing.

Radon Gas Poisoning

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Tuesday 22 February 2011

New Jersey Short Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

!: Great Deals New Jersey Short Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

Brand : Accustar | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Feb 23, 2011 05:05:10 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

New Jersey Short Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

If your home has a basement, open and place the canister anywhere in the basement. Do not place the canister in a garage, root cellar, crawl space or sump pump pit. If your house does not have a basement, place the open canisters in the lowest livable level of your home in any room except the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room or porch.

# For 12 hours prior to the test and during the testing period, the doors and windows must remain closed to the test area.# During the test period, turn off all fans that bring outside air into the house or vent large amounts of air from the house such as whole house fans.# Do not operate fireplaces, wood or coal stoves unless a primary source of heating.# Do not place directly on granite or slate.# Devices that re-circulate indoor air such as humidifiers or air conditioners that are set to re-circulate can be used normally.# Avoid blowing air directly over the test device.# Tests should not be conducted under severe weather conditions (heavy rains, high winds, extreme heat, cold or humidity, etc.).# Mail the test kit within one day of completing the test.

Information You Will Provide# Name and address.# Serial number of the test device.# Start and end dates and times of the test.# Record the location in your home where the canisters were exposed# Indoor conditions: temperature and humidity range# Sign the data sheet before sending it in.# An incomplete form will be assessed a amendment fee.

Returns: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No returns will be accepted for these lab test kits. Should for any reason the lab test is not conducted within 2 weeks, you will receive a full refund.

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Saturday 19 February 2011

New Jersey Long Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

!±8± New Jersey Long Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

Brand : Accustar | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Feb 20, 2011 01:58:55 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

New Jersey Long Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

  • Rated #1 Long-Term Test Kit by a Leading National Consumer Advocacy Group.
  • Includes pre-addressed postage paid return shipping box, NJ processing fee and lab test results.
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has verified this product for accurate radon measurement. NELAP, NEHA & NRPP listed. This test kit is for homeowner use only.
  • Used for long term measurements lasting 3-12 months. A long-term test is the best way to determine your exposure to Radon during different seasons and living conditions in your home.
  • Two Canisters should be placed side by side and exposed exposed to the air people breathe. The third canister must remained unopened.

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New Jersey Long Term Radon Test Kit - Free Shipping (Valid only in the State of NJ)

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